Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Selling Consignment

I have recently listed some of the bows and flowers in our local Rhea Lana Consignment Sale.
I must say .... things sold very well.  I believe I will continue to sell some of my new designs and items thru these sales.  Keep updated on when the events are held in your area. http://www.rhealana.com/ . This was such a great way to get my designs and name out there for everyone.  In the mean time you can still find me right here always adding new things to the blog.  Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Being a Loving Active Parent...

February... the month of Love.
   The big hype of romance, in today's society, can be misleading and taunting more than just adults.  For tween and teens this "puppy love" is sweeping kids right into the daily statistics of premarital sex, teen pregnancy, and all the gray areas in between.  Yes, I brought the horrid topic to surface.  The subject, that was once considered to be taboo if mentioned, in society today needs to be voiced with an open mouth and mind. 
   You may ask, "Why are you bringing this up?"  This has been laid heavy on my heart for sometime now.  Working as a nurse in our local hospital, I see numerous ladies come through for baby deliveries.  My heart sank the day I saw a 12 year old girl that came in for a baby delivery.  All I could think was, "Oh my, I have two kids around this age that this could happen to".  So, the wheels started turning on how to approach the subject with our girls, risking my own embarrassment, and being called a dorky parent.  I just have to share a few numbers with you.  In a month of 31 days, 16 of those days our hospital delivered babies to teens aged 15-19.  This was out of 125 pregnant women, 22 of these were teens.  The pressures of "LOVE" are pushing our kids to be grown ups sometimes before puberty begins.
    Yes, I'm voicing my concern.  As a christian and parent I am held accountable, by God's judgement, to inform my kids about such subjects, and what the Bible teaches on these topics.  I cannot walk through life being a closed mouthed parent and let one of my kids become part of the statistics.  I have to be a loving active parent on teaching right from wrong and let them choose to do right or wrong.  My husband and I try not to say, "That won't happen to one of our kids."  You can never say never...We don't want to be blindsided by denial.  Even though we are avid church going Christians, that does not blanket our family and kids from the evils of Satan.  We look with an open mind of, we all have a choice, but we have to do our part to teach the biblical rights from wrongs. 
   There is such a generation gap now days.  Peer pressure is the same as it was when I was a kid.   But there are so many devices (cell phones, computers, etc.) that our kids all have to help push and crumble them into sex, drugs, alcohol, and numerous other sins.  Satan's evils are sweeping our kids right under his controls, while some parents just look the other way. 
   So what do we do? Where can we get the answers to questions on these subjects?  The BIBLE, the largest instruction manual ever written.  I also found helpful reading on many subjects on the web @ http://www.bible.com/  We can't force our kids to do right by God or themselves, usually that will force them the other direction.  We do have the responsibility as a parent to inform them.  So be a Loving Active Parent.
Have a blessed day.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Valentine Designs

With the new year off to a new start, I can't believe that January is almost over.  Valentines is sneaking up fast.  I have worked hard on getting everything updated for you; the site and new accessories for Valentines.  So, now is the time to make your little cutie look loveable, hugable, and kissable all Snazzied in her Valentine design.  You will find the designs on the "Other Holidays" page, scroll to the very bottom and watch the "Slide" of Valentine Designs.
Snazzy Girl

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas!

All the stocking are hung on the entertainment center with care, in hopes St. Nick will even stop by our home.  All the presents are gently wrapped, awaiting for Christmas morning, while we all try to get some rest from all the holiday running.  I hope and pray everyone has a wonderful holiday season, and lets everyone keep in our prayers all the people out there that has lost loved ones or is unable to spend the Christmas season with some of their family.
So...from our family to yours, Merry Christmas to All and to All a Goodnight!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fall & Christmas Designs

I have been working hard to get everyone ready for the Fall and Christmas.  Check out all the new creations.  Your will find the new designs listed on these pages:
Everyday designs, the last 5 pics
Other Holidays, the last 5 pics
Christmas Designs, 13 new pics
Just Feathers, last 4 pics
Get your order in quick, these are going fast.
Also, there a few flowers and bows that have not sold yet, that I still have on hand.  I do have these on 1/2 price Sale.  Just inquire to see what is leftover.
Thanks, and I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Happy Fall!

With Halloween behind us, the stir of the upcoming Holidays is in the air.  Family feasts, traveling, shopping, decorating, and for us family photos.  With this comes more activities added to our plates.  Stay tuned for new Fall and Christmas hair items.  I can make to match any of your cuties outfits.  So, stay tuned...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Birthday Dress

Well, I have finished Marley's birthday tulle dress and hairbow.  I thought it turned out very cute.  I am very proud of myself for making the dress turn out to actually look like a dress and finding the time to get it done.  We took our birthday pictures this past weekend.  I just can't believe she is turning 1 already.  My how this year has flown by.