Embarking on a new adventure is sometimes a scary thought. My adventures as a mom has led to many merges in the road. From 2004- 2007 I was a single mom, raising my daughter on a small budget. Our accessory purchases were very limited.
I met my husband now, in the end of 2007. I would not say it was love at first sight, because being a divorced parent there are expectations, pros and cons of bringing someone else into our life. We started out talking, becoming friends, our own little single parent support system, having a lot in common. Well we ended up "Sparklin' one another", as my aunt would call it. By the first part of 2008 I went from a single mom to a married mom/step mom of 3 daughters. Talk about a WOW factor. So, now I had 3 girls to accessorize, let alone myself. So, we did what we could on a budget. We Have 3 Girls To Priss & Poof!
Through the prayers, blessings, and hardships the Lord has done so much for us and our family. When I first met my Husband he was not a Christian. Luckily we met through a mutual person (his co-worker, my Sunday School teacher). The seed of salvation had been planted and watered by this mutual friend. Knowing that I would not or could not marry someone that was not a Christian (my own preference and what the Bible teaches), I started witnessing to him. The Lord took all of that and reaped the harvest. My husband was saved around a month after we started seeing one another. Since then his 2 daughters have been saved. OH, How the Lord works!
By the end of 2008 we tossed around the ideas of having a child of our own. Being the ages we were and the ages of the older girls there were many pros and cons to consider. We prayed many prayers of 'What should we do', 'Is this part of our plan'. Yikes! We ran into a brick wall. We had not made a decision, so we left it in the hands of God. If we get pregnant then it was meant to be, if not then we would move on. By January 0f 2009 we never heard a audible voice from God. By the end of January he spoke loud and clear when I read the "+" on the pregnancy test.
So, here opened a whole new chapter in our lives. Though we hoped desperately for a BOY, our prayers were for a healthy baby, no matter a Boy or Girl. Oh, but we wanted a Boy to break up the MOUNTAIN of Girl-tudes and hormones through our home. Even though the odds were staked against us. Long story short the Lord blessed us with what we knew how to take care of, ANOTHER GIRL; that makes 4! This tiny sparkle in our life, our precious little girl, has brought great joy and new meanings since we are older.
I have dolled and prissed and accessorized to my utmost ability. The Lord has taken care of the worried questions of how will we afford another child, especially another girl. My big ideas have formed from this tiny spark, my inspiration, Marley Rea. Thus, Snazzy Girl hair designs.
I do all my creations on the side of working a full time job, busing kids to and from church and school activities, cooking, cleaning, a baby, and whatever else can keep a mom busy.
New outfits, change in seasons, and my whirling thoughts of designs will keep me busy for sometime, or at least until the baby tells me, "No more bows Mom!" I love this man, my husband, for being supportive of my ideas and taking care of kids to let this happen.