Saturday, July 31, 2010

Team Spirit Bows...

Check out the designs page, at the bottom, I have posted some of the Team Spirit bows I have made.  These are for just some of our local school colors.

Plus, check out some of the others I have made.  Baby sizes up to large.  I have the individual pic shown.

Friday, July 23, 2010

GO, Team GO!

School will be starting just right around the corner.  Thus, it brings the hustle and bustle of homework and school activities.  Football games will be in our schedules so we have to be prepared with our school spirit. 
Be looking for my TEAM SPIRIT hair accessories. 
 They will be school colors made to match your team.  They will range from multi-color flowers, bows with feathers, and much more.
If you have a team color you want made, just let me know.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tulle Dress & Bow

Look what I have made.  One of my friends wanted a tulle dress made for her little girl, to take birthday pics.  So, I made it for her along with an extra large bow to match.  This was not an easy task, but a process that turned out rewarding.

I may make one for my little girl.  If I do, then I may add this to a list of stuff I can make and sell.  This would be special orders only.  I does take a bit of time to complete.  If you would like one just e-mail me...

Extra Large Bow.
Tulle dress

Monday, July 19, 2010


If you noticed the forms of payment...
Right now that is the only forms of payment I can accept.
I am going to be looking into to setting up a PayPal account.
I will keep you updated if and when that is in effect.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Check This Out!

I stayed up late to try to get this done.  It will be an early morning.  There are a few minor details on the blog I want to finish with design, but I have the pics, pages, and stories told.
Feel free to contact me via e-mail:
Thanks, and Good Night!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sorry everyone for not having this blog complete.  This has been a busy weekend.  Be patient with me and keep checking the site for updates and pics I have loaded.  I've been trying to figure out all this blog stuff on how to create an attractive site.  It is a little harder than I thought, especially with a 9 mo. old running around and getting into everything. 
Thanks, for your patience.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010

My big ideas formed from a tiny spark of inspiration....
I have always been a person of accessories. The jewelery, hair fashion, etc. All matching or coordinating to a tee, and once called the, "Queen of Accessorizing" by a co-worker. My hand made hair fashion has come to reality recently when I see all the stuff out there and my thoughts are, "Why buy that when I could make it". The crafty person I am, I started out playing with some flowers and feathers and old buttons I had lying around my home, leftovers from the kids many school projects. Presto, here we are with some ideas of hair fashion. I hope you like them. Browse the pics, prices, etc. If you see something you like but want a different color, just e-mail me and I'm sure I can make your child just look Snazzy! I can hear my moms old words ring, "Don't you look Snazzy Girl".